
A Marked Contrast

Yesterday our Methods class had an excellent discussion of Foucault's Discipline and Punish, a book which every intro graduate seminar is required to read...by law (or by the carceral system. Same difference.) I continue to be impressed by my cohort; the quality of the discussion, the insights, and the eloquence are all at black-belt, break-your-neck levels. The professor leading the seminar, my advisor, even concluded that he'd have to reconsider his reading of Foucault based on the discussion. That was a nice compliment.

Then I watched most of the retrospective of this season's America's Next Top Model with Becky. Holy cow. That was quite a shift. I have to say: the show is a train wreck, the girls on it inspire as much sympathy as revulsion (that's just to say that they're so young...they're not evil, just kind of confused), but Tyra Banks is kind of amazing. She can do these weird things with her eyeballs, kind of projecting a medusa-like power to petrify or paralyze. She's like a 20th level supermodel with 200 hit points.

Then they fucking killed off Mr. Echo on Lost. That sucked.

In other news, it's totally raining. That's so awesome.


Kelly said...

We didn't read Foucault in our theory and methods class. It's too bad. I did Archeology of Knowledge and Order of Things as an undergrad, but really would have benefitted from Foucault on a grad level. Honestly, wish I could have been thre.

For this week I have Derrida as a follow up to Austin - so it's not Foucault, but is definitely post-structuralism at its best (or maybe worst?).

Rachel said...

Impressive group. I think I said maybe two things during that discussion? and that was another discussion where silence reigned until, "I'm looking for a word that start with..."

kungfuramone said...

In fairness, a significant factor in the quality of the discussions is having Ana there.

A said...

What are you talking about, Mr. Beecher-personally-asked-me-to-oversee-the-lecture-and -presentations-this-week-genius?

A said...

To all other readers: this is a sick display of intellectual masturbation by graduate students desperately in need of feeling intelligent.

kungfuramone said...

Other readers? :P

Rachel said...

Oh, I'm perfectly happy to call you both brilliant. I'm not the one sitting in a graduate seminar discussing Foucault anymore. :) Y'all are the greatest, and I think you're both amazingly smart, erudite people with a keen sense of intellectual inquiry.

(this is only partly tongue in cheek - y'all are pretty awesome. ;) )

hardcori said...

shit....i haven't seen the LOST episode yet. I like to wait and watch 2 or 3 online at once at my own convenience with less commercials. oh and yeah, tyra.....wow. watch her daytime talkshow sometime, it's special.