
The Horror...The Horror.

Becky is visiting her family in Novato tonight. The results of me being left to my own devices can be seen here. (Don't worry...it's disturbing, but I'm not naked.)

In other news, I had an excellent time yesterday. Surrounded by three brilliant, beautiful women I got to see a whole mess of monarch butterflies, some dolphins, and another adorable otter doing otterish things. Then our homies Leah + Bob joined us and everyone had Indian food and vino. E stayed with us for the night, then took off for her hotel in scenic suburban strip-mall hell Mountain View; I just heard from her a few hours ago that she's able to cut her business trip short and go home tomorrow.)

Back to the salt mine tomorrow. I'm meeting with a research librarian to discuss the fact that everything I could possibly write about has already been written. Should be a hoot.


clumsygirl said...

that picture. that facial hair. I have one thing to say, "stopitstopitstopitstopitstopit!"

you crack me up.

Kungfukitten said...

I only have two words for you: porn star.

Adva Ahava said...

That photo is...is...well. I guess "interesting" would be the word.

On your experience yesterday, I'd like to say that we should all love one an otter.

Otter than that, I'll keep my thoughts to my self.

Can I have your otter-graph?

I CAN'T STOP!!!!!!!!! :)

Rachel said...

it really doesn't even look like you - but the attitude is pretty much the same. Wish I could have stopped by for the shindig! (instead I was walking back from lunch in a wannabe-castle - in the pouring rain)

hardcori said...

DAMMIT, YOU! I was about to say "I'm really loving the scruff beard!" Now it's "That mustache is SO NOT OK!"

Ransom said...

Yep, I think that one rates a "Damnit, KFR."

kungfuramone said...

Hee hee. Damnit KFR is right.

(I'm re-growin' the scruffy beard, it was just getting itchy.)

A said...

That was unexpected and very funny, but next time Becky is out of town, I clearly have to entertain you.