It's been about three years since I was in a band. I had vague notions of joining one/starting one when I got to Santa Cruz, had the abortive Craigslist metal band try-out ("What do you mean "tune down" my bass?"), and then the school year started. It's possible that I miss playing in bands, but it's also possible that I really, really don't. Let's explore these possibilities:
1. Being on stage with a decent crowd is fun.
2. I love rock n' roll. Put another dime in the jukebox, baby.
3. I have a great amp, sleeves, and a lot of denim clothing. It only seems logical.
- The people who like the kind of music I like are complete fucking jerks 50% of the time.
- Being on stage without a decent crowd is NO fun.
- Amps are heavy and I live in a third-floor apartment.
Craigslist has nothing going on right now. But I'll keep looking.
keep looking! And let me know if you need a clarinet player.
Hah! The grad department has two clarinetists.
You should keep looking for musicians. If you wait a year, Joseph can join the band and we can have E-flat clarinets and even cooler...pennywhistles. He can play two at once and harmonize with himself.
Now that's music.
I was thinking of joining a band here myself as a vocalist, but I run into a similar problem - there just aren't all that many people doing the kind of music I like, which is laid back 70's and jazz. Since I sound a whole lot more like Norah Jones than say, Pat Benetar, I'll just wait for now. Maybe you should post an ad of your own?
First, no clarinets, no pennywhistles. Seriously.
Second, yeah, the problem is that I don't have anything remotely resembling practice space. Also, I got sick of writing songs and doing leadership-type things with previous bands. I just want to show up and play bass.
We'll see!
p.s. isn't your picture upside down?
I vote to rock. They'll be time to not rock when you're 70. Sadly, the bulk of all our lives will be not rocking. Unless you take the rational route of the grandpa in Little Miss Sunshine, in which case that'll be the time to do some heroin and rock all you want.
No shows so far, although there seem to be a fair number going on.
Regarding the pentagram: it was a spinning animated gif, but once again blogger converted it to a boring old static png.
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