I salute comrade
Kelly for having the good sense to organize a social gathering at her place yesterday evening. After a long day of being assaulted by marching bands (figuratively; although it would be been pretty funny if I had gotten beat down by a bunch of kids in stupid hats with trombones), a pleasant evening with fellow grads, cheap vino, and a big bowl full of chicken pasta hit the spot.
Today we're off to
Natural Bridges for a picnic with Becky's folks. We're going to be taking in the monarch butterflies, who have been arriving over the last few weeks.
Hmm...point of grammar: is it insects "who" have been arriving, or insects "that" have been arriving? I think I'm going to roll with "who," because bugs are people too.
This is so very true. I say this as I am right now writing a syllabus instead of attending a friend's 30th birthday party this afternoon. I guess it's rarely getting to socialize at all in grad school that makes the moments of Actual Relaxation sweeter.
My theory on all of those brilliant yet completely socially inept professors is that by the time they finished their PhDs, they had lost all touch with humanity. The sudden reintroduction to society was too much of a shock. They now suffer daily bouts of PTSD that usually hit when they are around undergraduates and departmental gatherings.
On the off chance I actually make it through all of this nonsense, get a doctorate, and get a job, I refuse to be one of those social retards. I *refuse*, ya hear me?!
"Ass Ninja" - yeah...you are clearly on your way.
You really are quite stealthy in your ability to launch unexpected ninja attacks all over the place. I admire this. There is nothing better than being surprised by the unexpected ninja attack...except for the Spanish Inquisition!
nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...
There's a rate your prof section of myspace and a certain Medieval history prof got horrible comments about her social interation skills. It was pretty funny.
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