

I am worried that I am getting sick. No big symptoms yet, just far too tired considering how much sleep I've been getting, relatively unfocused, bad mood. Here are some thoughts and events:

My own special Alzheimer's I've had since I was about 22 kicked in something fierce yesterday and I left the mp3 recorder we use to record world history lectures in the classroom. Either, by some miracle, it turns up or I get to buy a replacement. Fuck.

Show on PBS last night involved a biologist who raises orphaned river otter pups in his house and uses them for community outreach in an effort protect the species in Michigan. Holy...shit. Baby otters running around and hiding in washing machines is brutally cute.

Three (maybe) funny euphimisms for masturbation:
  1. Checking your e-mail.
  2. Scholarly pursuits.
  3. Organizing your stuff.
(Number 2 is taken from an Arrested Development episode.)

I'm reading some Mexican history for the world history seminar. Mexican history might be almost as depressing as Russian history. Isn't it weird how every historical narrative involves elite landowners somehow finding a way to squeeze their peasants/serfs even more? After 30 consecutive generations of squeezing, how on earth was there anything left to squeeze?

I want a new tattoo. It's been years.


the goat said...

sorry to hear about the mp3 player. That sucks.

hey, let me know which Mexican history work you are reading for the world history seminar. In general, Mexico/Latin America in the context of world history does tend to be rather dismal. If you are interested in histories about workers movements, social movements, and forms of resistance, I could recommend a few books to counter whatever it is you're reading.

sigue la lucha!

Jason said...

Chroming the dork
Shucking the corn

Also, see http://www.worldwidewank.com/synonyms.html

Sigh, back to work

Rachel said...

this is why communalism is so inspiring. Except that it doesn't work so well as a generalized model outside of Switzerland. But no matter. :)

clumsygirl said...

I was just looking into some books on Diego Rivera, (My knowledge about him is woefully imcomplete compared to the amount I have in my head on Frida.) and realized I know little to nothing about Mexican history. If you have any particular authors or books you recommed, please share!

Matto said...

If you get bored, I've found a fun way to pass the time. For every letter of the alphabet, you have to make up a euphemism for masturbation that consists of words beginning with the same letter of the alphabet. For example, a an idea for the letter "B" would be "beating the bishop." Go from A to Z and just watch the hours pass by.

A said...

Of course if any post could pique J's interest it would be this one! Tiny little otters & jerking off euphamisms.

As for the Mexico books, I will also take copious notes on anything recommended.

A said...

Of course if any post could pique J's interest it would be this one! Tiny little otters & jerking off euphamisms.

As for the Mexico books, I will also take copious notes on anything recommended.

down with blogger word verification! (It seems to work best when I curse it). kanwmeph

Cabiria said...

Baby otter pups in my house would totally improve my efficiency, and they could do my laundry while they're at it! That photo is freaking adorable. Hope you feel better soon.

Kungfukitten said...

Apparently, "Flossing the Cat" is a big one at D-land that I've never heard before. It makes me feel naughty now when I let my cats chew on dental floss that I hold for them.