
Die, Die, Die

Something has happened with someone in my apartment building. I think it's whoever has moved in to the apartment directly below us. Every few minutes until 2:00am last night a muffled slamming sound would resonate through the walls. Is someone still moving in and shifting furniture? Is it one of the two-bedroom units and the two people inhabiting it are just used to slamming doors over and over? What the holy fuck is going on?

As everyone knows, I hate people who make noise at night. One of the things I hate about the phenomenon of noise-at-night is that I am invariably the person who sorts it out; I call the cops, I knock on the door and confront the perp, I chase the hobo out of the yard with my maglite (I'm not making any of this up.) And I hate confrontations, so this is not a fun thing for me.

One way or another, the slamming is going to stop tonight.


Matto said...

Go forth and put those tattooed arms, the shaved head, and the maglite to some good old fashioned intimidation.

another kind of nerd said...

Go ahead and yell this at them:

"Tabarnac, qu'y fa frette dans c't'osti d'pays-là câlisse!"

I have no idea what it means, but it's Qubecois... so that's entertaining.

clumsygirl said...

The only night-time noises we hear at the new house are infrequent, and from the preternaturally large German Shepherd next door who defends his house with a "whoof" that'll knock your socks off. I'm pretty sure he's half G.S. and half behemoth.

Chrissy said...

Lets become vigil ante's against noise at night. Sometimes, you just gotta take the law into your own hands.

Adva Ahava said...

The people who live next door to me should have to live next to the people who live next door to you and they can make each other miserable.

Rachel said...

the people who live next door to me (fourplex) yell all the time - I still haven't figured out what, but I think the woman's record was twenty minutes of straight yelling. I mean, what IS there to yell about for that long??

Cabiria said...

As your lawyer, I will be happy to put forward a temporary insanity defense should anything unsavory occur. Stressed out graduate student + loud unending night noises = automatic acquittal.

kungfuramone said...

This is just like the Axl Rose incident. I appreciate the solidarity, everyone.

When I run the future utopian police state, only my friends will get to stay up past 9:30!

H said...

If you need any help sorting this mess out, give me a call. I can take off my shirt in a millisecond, man!