
Drunken Pasta and Heavy Metal

Last night, following C's success a few weeks ago, I decided to make some drunken pasta. It was truly awesome. Here's how it all went down:
  1. Onions, lots of garlic, ground turkey, oregano, Trader Joe's bolognese sauce, salt.
  2. Boiling 2-buck Chuck with a little water (didn't want to use two bottles of vino just for pasta), whole wheat spaghetti.
  3. Marathon viewing of both Royal Tenenbaums and yet another season of Arrested Development.
  4. I got a little too wasted considering it was just a fun mellow night at home.
Anyway, I feel fine now. Becky's off visiting her folks in Novato, so you know what that means: madman bachelor for a day. As in, I listened to Motorhead a bunch this morning and, well, vacuumed. And played with Pesto. I am off the fucking hook, people.

In an hour or so I'm off to catch Perry Anderson's lecture on campus. After that I hope to convince Ms. Rossi and The Shirtless Canadian to get some food and booze with me.

1 comment:

Adva Ahava said...

You wild, crazy bachelor you. Motorhead and vaccuuming! You're SO EDGY. ;-)

Also, Royal Tenenbaums = love.