
Happy May Day, Workers

The weird thing about studying the French new left is the fact that "the red years" in France, especially the 60s, were at the height of the postwar economic boom. Never before or since has the working class improved its quality of life more than it did during those few decades, from the late 40s until the early 70s. Instead of deprivation and oppression (although there was a fair bit of that), the radicalized workers were experiencing unprecedented comfort and opportunity; their kids were going to universities for the first time, they had the creature comforts that used to be reserved for the rich, and even when they "lost" a political struggle (May of '68), they still won concessions from the government and management.

In historical hindsight, two things really stand out. First, the material prosperity of the western world was underwritten by cheap energy and a third world hamstrung by the legacies of colonialism. As we're seeing with China and India now in terms of oil prices, opportunity and development in the non-western world translates into hardship in the west as everyone squabbles over the limited supply of energy resources. Second, the left was at its strongest when everyone still remembered the depression and the second world war. People had experienced what untrammeled markets do and what right-wing ideology run rampant leads to, and they didn't want it to happen again during their lifetimes.

There was a period when I was growing up, from about the mid-90s to a few years ago, when history seemed to stand still for a lot of Americans. Prices stayed put and the reason a drooling moron like George W. Bush could think the Iraq War was a good idea was the belief that no one could possibly resist American military might. If anything good has come or is going to come out of the collapse of American hegemony, I hope it's that more people come to realize that history is now, happening in real time, and acting like it's all sewed up is a profoundly imprudent thing to do.

If still another left emerges that's able to get anything done, I think it's likely that (unfortunately for "us") it will be based on our own economic problems, not the desire for everyone in the world to have "our" standard of living (nor will it be based on the ongoing culture wars against the Christian Right, although those are important too.) My point is that it looks like "we" will have to be reminded of why "the free market" is a blood-drinking beast that makes the rich richer, not part of a shiny happy natural order in which everyone prospers.

The sooner some very serious, cranky, draconian bureaucrats are unleashed on the hedge fund managers, the better off everyone else will be.


Trust in Steel said...

Unfortunately, once again, they'll probably reform the system just enough to pacify the lemmings of this world and prevent the descent into disfunctional anarchy that is needed to allow for a purging of the dead-weight of the world (which includes the idle rich), and the necessary reshuffling of social hierarchy that should happen every couple of centuries. I view the needed purge as periodically hitting CONT+ALT+DEL or RESET on the world, sometimes it just needs to be done to clear the system and start over, but it probably won't happen in our lifetime because they'll probably be able to tweak it just enoough to pacify the masses for the foreseeable future, maybe not. All social systems degenerate and need to transform themselves every once in a while. There is no stable or sustainable social order right or left as inevitable change and raw personal power are the only semblances of truth worth believing in. Live with personal honor and loyalty toward what you care about and impose your will on the world as best you can. All the rest is meaningless illusion as innane as the majority of academic debates that ciruculate among crotchety old professors who have been confined too long in their ivory towers. Most, not all, take themselves way too seriously, and they're often wrong anyway. I hope my return is sufficiently TIS for you.

kungfuramone said...

Well, you know my policy: when we hit the apocalyptic collapse you've long predicted, I'll pull on the Mad Max gear and join your roving empire of nouveau-mongols.

"I am SUBATAI! Thief! And Archer!"