

I thought I'd roll out of bed tomorrow, have some coffee, go meet Tweak at 9:00am for the usual drive up to campus, hang out for a couple of hours and, you know, take my PHD qualifying exam. Just another big Monday in paradise...

On an unrelated note, I met the other UC to the SC grad who will be TA'ing in Paris this Fall. She has my name plus a "-tine." She's the same age, is also married, and is equally worried about the little details like having enough food to eat. Despite her year in Paris as an undergrad, she claims not to be really bilingual. Either way, it was nice to get a little solidarity going and nice to know that I'm not the only one who worries. I also got word from the travel ninjas employed by the system that I'll be able to return a few weeks after the end of the program, which means that B and I will be able to do Christmas in Paris. Neat, ne-c'est pas?

Anyway, if you're in SC, don't forgot to come out to the Poet and Patriot some time after 6:00pm tomorrow for purposes of drinking beers with me in post-QE celebration. If you're not, know that you are a very, very attractive person and everyone wants to give you a great big kiss.


another kind of nerd said...

Good Luck, homie!

Dolce Vita said...

My best to you! (I hope you'll update us down the road with details!)

bon courage (at tout va bien, mon ami)!

noncoupable said...

Ahh... so jealous! Paris is beautiful at Christmas, esp the department store decorations. :)

SuperJew said...

This is catching you a little late, but I think you should be in mid-QE-ing and no doubt are rocking it big time! Hang in there!!!!