
Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's 1789

Best of 2006? Norse saga regarding the expedition to Oregon for Christmas? A detailed account of what I've eaten today? No, just bullet points.
  • Highway 101 obviates the need to deal with putting on chains since the highest pass isn't much over 2000 feet. It's also a lot more scenic than I-5, so I recommend it (although you do have to put up with driving through Eureka...god there are some ugly kids in Eureka.) It's about 10.5 hours from Novato to Eugene, as opposed to 9 hours on I-5.
  • The xmas loot was excellent this year. Becky got me an American Apparel hoodie, the in-laws got me some sweet Pumas, and my mom got me an unsolicited and unexpected iPod. Oh, and my homie Crystal got me a t-shirt with a ninja jump-kicking with a guitar. I'll be styling like an undergrad in 2007.
  • I was unable to see most of my Eugene homies, although we did score a precious hour or so with E. Our one-night-and-a-lunch trip to Portland was great; we saw an elite cadre of good-looking people.
  • Did you realize that Mt. Everest is over 29,000 feet tall? It's about as high as commercial jets fly. That's crazy.
  • We played 20 questions in the car. Me: "Uh...does it live on the east coast or something?" Becky: "oh! Wait, I lied on question number 1. The answer was yes."
  • Pesto hates driving. In fairness, she's new to driving stick.
  • A whole lot of eating went down. This morning, Elizabeth was kind enough to have me and the missus over for a delicious breakfast. More eating went down.
  • Our new year's plans consist of (wait for it...) not leaving the apartment! What a shocker!
And, as ever, let's all hope next year sucks less than this one did. Huzzah to the Democratic takeover of congress, to the brilliance of my new colleagues, and to my ongoing success in avoiding having to have a real job.


Adva Ahava said...

Huzzah to the Democratic takeover of congress, to the brilliance of my new colleagues, and to my ongoing success in avoiding having to have a real job.
- I'll drink to that. Twice, even!

Glad the trip was awesome and that you scored good loot. Not quite as cool as my magic blazers, but hoodies will never stop being awesome.

Our NY's plans also consist of not leaving the house.

Oh, and if we're partying like it's 1789 in America, that means Washington's been inaugerated, people are arguing whether we should call him "His Excellency" or "Highness," and we'd be toasting him and God, both relentlessly. Washington also states US neutrality on all that biznatch goin' down in France, but Americans are anything but neutral on the topic, so New Year's party conversations would involve lively debates about the French Revolution, with connections to Shay's rebellion (1786). Huzzah, indeed!

kungfuramone said...

Criminy, Tweak. Criminy.

Elizabeth M. said...

And I drink to Mr. President, dammit.