
Appropriate Situationist Project

Let's keep the Situationists in mind (yes, that's a Wikipedia link. It's ok to do that on a blog, just not in an essay.) It occured to me this morning that I should put on one of my snappy sharkskin suits and go downtown, either here or in Berkeley, and panhandle for thesis topics in European intellectual history. Think I'd have any luck?

La reform, non, la chienlit, OUI!


Rachel said...

Chienlit - isn't that the word that was on your cartoon about DeGaulle? and I remember thinking it had something to do with dogs, but it doesn't right?

A said...

you and your dissertation topic search is like me and my dissertation proposal - mental rashes...annoying, itchy, and just won't fucking go away!

kungfuramone said...

Chienlit means "shitty mess." It comes from chier-en-lit, "to shit in bed." The British press mis-translated it during May of '68 as "dog bed," but that just ain't right. :]

Itchy is right, man.