In celebration of Becky's employment status, and armed with a gift certificate we received as a graduation present from a family friend back in June, we went out to the
Crow's Nest last night and had (motherfuckin') BURGERS for dinner. And clam chowder and beer. It was raining over the harbor, there were xmas lights up all over the place, and a wee otter wriggled past in plain view of our harbor-view table at the bar. Then we came home and watched the original
Batman with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. Becky fell asleep halfway through, as she is wont to do.
It was this weird, giddy feeling of elation going out to eat. We haven't done that under our own power (i.e. we paid for it) in months and months. We've been so broke for so long that it's just confusing when we get to go out (you mean, you don't want me to do the dishes? I mean, I'm a former professional dishwasher. I can take care of it.)
Becky addendum: She saw a bobcat in Natural Bridges park yesterday. Happily, it didn't try to claw her face off. Also, she saw five dolphins the day before that. Monterey Bay is cool.
Congrats on getting some food outside the home! Oh yes....professional dishwashers do exist, they're called immigrants.
Ah, but I, a native-born son of the US of A was once a professional dishwasher as well. Definitely the most fun job I ever had: free food, tips, stereo, good-lookin' co-workers, tattoo-friendly work environment.
I like getting snail mail, so send that shit off, R!
Today's word verification: xazqmqji. I'm pretty sure that was an Aztec god.
KFM - thank you for your post on dinner. It helped put things in perspective. R and I RARELY get to go out for dinner (and then we generally don't get to sit and talk together since on of us has to take the little one outside to run around until the food is ready; she eats about 2 tablespoons full and is done and the other takes her out for more running). You helped remind me that, she is not the main obstruction to enjoying an evening out - it is academia (appropriately, "crapademia"). It sucks away all of your financial resources long after the course work is done. Thanks!
By the way, that dinner sounded awesome!
I was always partial to ninjaburger.com "Guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes or less, or we commit Seppuku!"
Congrats on enjoying a meal you didn't cook yourself on dishes you didn't have to wash. That's wonderful :)
So are bobcats and dolphins. I've seen bobcats several times while running on campus and have also never had my face clawed off. However, I do have a bobcat story that involves a very drunk friend and an open back door that I will have to share with you at another time.
Five dolphins! That's amazing! I've lived here ten years and haven't seen a single one, ever! Very cool.
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