Sure, normally a nadir is a bad thing, but I don't see why we can't have positive nadirs too. Today's a rainy Thursday in Santa Cruz, the most productive thing I've done so far is write an e-mail to family members I won't see over xmas, and I'm declaring today to be the nadir...of fun. To help celebrate, I'm calling on the powers of The Nuge. Rock it, Nuge! Take your reactionary politics and your teetotaling lifestyle and rock it!
Here comes a little bit of stream of consciousness.
1. I think the perfect band for me would be halfway between Weezer and Slayer.
2. I'm willing to drive up 101 just to skip the Shasta curves in the rain on I-5.
3. If we weren't all disatisfied all the time, do you think we'd just lay down and starve?
4. Why do I love to wear these hats so much?
5. Was Hitler right when he said that one's basic personality is established by 22? It reminds me of that Modest Mouse song ("I'm the same as I was when I was 6 years old...")
6. While I was falling asleep last night it occurred to me that religion is like a virus. When people find it, it's like they've caught something and thought and willpower are powerless against it.
7. It would only take 40 minutes or so to get some work done. Think it'll happen today?
I just talked to my friend Erin on the phone. It doesn't look like I'll get to see her while we're up in Eugene. Moving away from your friends never stops sucking, does it?
(At least there are so many good-looking people studying history here; I find comfort in that.)
P.S. Here's a link to a story about a study about the fact that NINETY FUCKING FIVE percent of Americans, men and women, had premarital sex. That INCLUDES the bloody right-wing abstinence-only Christian fuckwits. You'd like to think this would put another nail in abstinence-only sex education, but I doubt it.
I can now say this literally: fucking morons...
I haven't done anything productive today either. But I'm pretending I don't care.
3. "Well I have always been dissatisfied, I know that. But lately it seems there's no longer a dream. Only the...discontentment." - John Adams, in 1776
4. Because they're awesome.
5. I sure hope not. I'd like to think I'm going to evolve for the better from here on out...
6. Is there a cure?
7. We need our grad lab. Seriously.
P.S.: http://wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_353151301.html
Yeah. Herpes outbreak. Catholic high school. Brilliant.
KFR, I miss the disaffected yet strangley positive joy you, your wife, and bunny provide. I realize there was nothing that you could classify as disaffected in that post, nor do you exhibit those tendencies on a daily basis (law abiding citizen that you are)... and yet.
Thanks, E. I think I'm kind of...existentially disaffected. As are most of us (according to Sartre + Beauvoir, as are ALL of us.)
I would like to integrate the word "fuckwits" into my emergency vocabulary to use when annoyed. Thanks for the tip and for the laughing out loud.
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