- The term, she is over.
- The free time, we do not know what to do with her.
- The grad lab, we want it back (we've been moved to a new one, in a basement, but it's still under construction.)
On an unrelated note, Becky has prompted me to report two things about her new job:
- She has a hydraulic desk. It's for the ergonomicals. It goes up and down to ease typing.
- She was there for 7.5 hours yesterday and still has no idea what her job actually is.
"Awright stop what you're doin', because I'm about to ruin, the image and the style that you're used to. I look funny, but yo I'm making money, see, so yo world I hope you're ready for me, so gather round. I'm the new fool in town and my sound's laid down by the Underground. I'll drink the bottle of Hennessy you got on your shelf, so just let me introduce myself..."
(Early 90s hip hop left its mark. I still know all the words to The Humpty Dance and I could probably keep up with most of the stuff from two or three Public Enemy albums. If I had to.)
Yes, you are right it is a problem of not being able to handle free time. I can't think with free time on my hands. I can only think effectively in a state of stressed-out near panick. I think the last time I had free time, before I started my M.A., I took up rock climbing and kayaking. The rock climbing was good for temporarily producing that familiar stressed-out near panick feeling. If I could make the letter "F" for "freak" with my hand and hold it up to my forehead I would.
PS - is it just me, or does everyone else fail the first word verification trial?
I now have grading to do, which is annoying but oddly soothing because it's work.
I think I have a problem.
Ransom, that's a brilliant idea. A spare-smart-time brain trust. It would be even better if we could all be hooked up directly to brain-connection devices somehow...
And, yes Ana, the word verification thing is pure sadism. I'm sure the blogger guys are sitting there behind the scenes laughing at all of our incompetence.
I don't know what you do with your spare time, but as for myself... I use it for worrying profusely. It fits in nicely with any extra time I may run across, like those 3.5 minutes from yesterday when I was warming up my dinner in the microwave.
You (all) refer to 'free time' as if there is nothing to do, but the posts that you referenced, Kungfuramone, show anything but. We have SO many things to do and most of them seem to need immediate attention. I mention this only because I would like to have a little free time. I don't have any looming deadlines (sigh!), so I always feel like I should be working on some little chip of this gigantic, overwhelming iceburg of a project. (I suspect that most academics never learned how to master a lack of structure and deadlines.)
Yeah, that's the thing. Technically, there's no "free" time, since what you really have is time-you-ought-to-be-reading. I'm not a particularly guilt-ridden person, but as soon as formal obligations over it's like I'm Catholic all of a sudden.
I have cable, so I basically have no idea what you guys are talking about. I guess while everyone is panicked and actually doing good work, I am satisfied with mediocrity and Flavor of Love.
Big like a pickle and I'm still gettin' paid.
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