
Zoidberg Awaits

This evening B and I are heading over to K and L's for some serious wine-drinking and a viewing of Bender's Big Score. I am stoked. Like most people of discriminating taste, my favorite Futurama character is Zoidberg, and I expect he will have a lot to say and do on the big screen.

This brings up the issue of favorite fictional characters in general. You know how just about everyone had a certain sexual awakening when they recognized what variety of human they were really interested in?* I think something comparable happens in terms of genres of fictional characters. For as long as I remember, I always liked the nerdy people in shows and movies. Examples:
  • Egon from Ghostbusters.
  • Donatello from Ninja Turtles.
  • Panthro from Thundercats (not technically a nerd, but he was still their technician.)
  • Data from Goonies.
  • Snake Eyes from GI Joe (not a nerd in any way. Just the coolest ninja ever.)
  • Forge from X-Men.
  • Mick Mars from Motley Crue (not a nerd either - just the creepiest human being on the planet.)
What I'm trying to say is that I knew I was a nerd from a very, very young age. And that's a proud legacy I'll take with me to the grave.**

* Example: when I first noticed that the majority of girls I liked in high school had short hair and glasses.
** Just another reason I miss playing in Mondale.

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