
Sweaters: Day 6

Today's selection is a little on the polo side...the polo side of GOODWILL!!! Mwah ha ha ha!

It's been a big night of soup eating, Civ IV playing, and now, Heroes watching. Oh that Mohinder Suresh...such a soothing presence. Pretty soon we're going to find out that he can shake evil apart with vibrations or something.


Alexis said...
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Alexis said...

This project is starting to shape up - sweaters. Your embedded flicker thing shoots out different pics of you indicating your Handsomeness in different sweaters and it is like : the self-definition - it's working! I go to the blog of the man who love sweaters - I am greeted with sweater love ESSENCE.

Anyway, I like where you're going with this.

kungfuramone said...

Thanks. The sweater love essence is precisely what I'm going for, and it's also kind of a good name for a band.