
Shameless Wife Promotion

If you have 2.5 minutes to spare, please do the following:
  1. Go to the Etsy Plush Team page.
  2. Glance over the first post, the Plush Vote one.
  3. Go enter a comment in which you vote for the Soft Sculpture Wool Spider.
  4. 'cuz that's the one this one girl I know made.
Thank you.

Also, here are two delightful quotes I've come across in the last few days:

From a Veramyst commercial: "The way Veramyst works is not entirely understood." (yeah...THAT inspires confidence!)

From the condom machine in the bathroom at the Poet + Patriot Irish pub: "Electrify her with studded rubber nubs."

That, my friends, is freaking POETRY.


the goat said...


Rachel said...

neat sculptures/crafty things. :)

Ransom said...

Well, it is spooky!

Though perhaps not as much as Veramyst. If there'd been a plush Veramyst bottle, I might've had to vote for it for spooky. I couldn't believe it when I saw that ad...