I realized that I've been lying down on the blog-job when it comes to list-making. Here are things I'm liking so far being back:
- The performative aspect of leading discussion sections. Technically, I haven't had one yet. But I'm sort of perversely stoked to start tomorrow; I suppose I like the captive audience. *cough* ATTENTION WHORE *cough*...
- Coffee + sweaters + hats + my new bag + the bus = an aesthetic of sorts!
- I'm sorry, but I like working in the bunker. Sure, it's subterranean and freezing cold and lacking in natural light, but since no one else can stand it, it's kind of like my own personal gigantic underground office!
- Being nervous all the time keeps me on point.
- I'm getting a PHD in an ewok village. That, objectively, is neat.
- Finding out that it's ok to say Habermas was full of it, as long as you can say why. Can you imagine?! Habermas: dead wrong! Amazing!
I don't follow - ewok village?
I'm kind of partial to Habermas's politics and public sphere stuff. It sounds like you have a better idea... please continue....
And if your evening is going downhill, might I suggest chocolate ice cream topped with peanut butter. Delicious.
I miss the ewok village! The beautiful Santa Cruz campus is sorely missed...
You're nuts on the bunker. Seriously. Go work outside on one of the picnic benches, or better yet, buy a hammock and go to upper campus. It still amazes me how many people don't even know that this place exists.
Nope. It's the bunker for me!
DV: It's because the SC campus is like a bunch of weird little clusters of buildings, connected by wooden bridges that have a lot in common with the suspended bridges in Empire Strikes Back in the Ewok villages. That's why. :]
Underground bunckers are the best. Natural light is for the weak and plants. Don’t just hi-five the good times get them in a full nelson.
It is so totally an ewok village. Enjoy the teaching performance!
it was Return of the Jedi, was it not? Nerd-Class dismissed.
Bah! Sorry, I mistyped. Return of the Jedi it was.
(I was THINKING of the right movie, just fumbled on the title. I swear.)
(Fuck the ewoks, anyway, they were just teddybears with spears and their inclusion in Jedi was the first step down the long slippery path that led to Jar Jar.)
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