
Look! I'm Cultivating a Positive Outlook (today)

First, happy news: the whip-smart, razor-sharp, and bad-ass BF has successfully had a tiny kiddo who will, no doubt, acquire these qualities with time. Like with most of my friends who have spawned offspring, I am forced to pull back my usual skepticism and salute this event. Well done BF + T!

Second, happy news: we didn't have to drive anywhere this weekend! OMFG, you guys, it was TTLYRAD not driving!

Third, happy news: an elite cadre of muscle-bound graduate students (it's true! it's true!) moved Tweak and J to their amazing new pad, probably the only one of its kind in SC (i.e. spacious, equipped with amenities, and while expensive, not ridiculously expensive.) Along with building up more moving karma, I got to drink more free beer and eat more free pizza. Fun!

Fourth, happy news: as alluded to in my last post, my new computer works. I had to buy a new motherboard, which was marked up to SC prices, and I feel really guilty about it, but holy cow...what an awesome machine. And now I can play Civilization IV! (B pointed out that me buying the game I've been lusting after for two years right before the school year starts was probably not the smartest move. As usual, B was right.)

Fifth, I'm launching a new thought experiment. Can I somehow out-zen myself to ignore my idiot thumping neighbors? They aren't going to stop. And their thumping comes from normal household activities (i.e. running into walls head-first at 3:00am), not blasting music or anything, so I don't have much of a leg to stand on complaining to the apartment manager. Thus, the only thing that's going to keep me sane this year is ME. Granted, I have a terrible track record with that (keeping myself sane), but hope springs eternal.

1 comment:

Becky said...

thanks man! i've been forced to pull back my usual skepticism as well... mostly because hormones and sleep dep make me deliriously happy. can't wait for you to meet the kiddo!