Freaks and Geeks is set at a high school in 1980 and a big part of the plot is, appropriately, the freaks at the high school. Freaks in this context were the rocker kids, the denim-clad smokers-in-the-bathroom who cut class and worshipped Sabbath and Zeppelin. Watching the show immediately brought to mind all of the kids who have continued wearing denim, cutting class, and worshipping Sabbath and Zeppelin since then. A few years after I graduated, my high school even managed to spawn a band that spent (and apparently continues to spend) all of their time desperately trying to pretend that they live in 1980, smoke under the bleachers, and cut class. It's like 20+ years of music history never happened.

The thing is, the real freaks are the Slipknot / Korn / ICP/ etc. fans. The big pants, the death metal / goth makeup, the white drugs, mesa-boogie stacks instead of cheap peaveys, and so on. I hate all that crap, but that just proves I'm old: where I feel nostalgic about high school punk rock, the kids who are the actual analogues of the culture I still identify with are into different shit. Different shit that came into being, as it should have, after I graduated.*
Anyway, in better news, I'm actually doing something this weekend (it's my baby's 30th!), so I'll have pictures for my next post. That means less words, kids, so everyone wins.
* Punk rock is still way cooler than nu-metal, generational disputes aside.
There is nothing worse on this planet than ICP.
Except maybe their fans...
Wow, dude, nicely said!
B and I were once driving through Portland and I looked over and noticed that we were driving right next to the ICP bus (they were playing at the Roseland that night.) And I was like "oh shit! It's the Insane Clown Posse!"
I mean...what else can you say when something like that happens?
They always play the Roseland, and I somehow always end up walking by as all those douche bags are lined up outside. I remember one time just the sight of them actually ruined my day.
I wish Geraldo would have a special ICP episode of his show, only this time, all of them would get their noses broken by way of chair to the face.
Ok, Im done now.
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