
Sinister Forces

This will be short. I realized while suffering through another hour-long monologue in my world history seminar today that the professor who leads it is the spitting image of Senator Palpatine from Star Wars: The Three Shitty Movies that Prove George Lucas is Now an Idiot.

See? There he is. Palpatine's nose is a little more regal, but besides that it's the same guy.

In other news, big plans for the weekend. Constant rocking. Burgers, beers, wines, everything you need for living. Also, I'm replacing my profile picture with the mascot shot of Pesto, because it's cute when bunnies drink cheap beer.


H said...

He wants to fill you with rage and misery to bring out your true potential.

Elizabeth M. said...

Bipolar football coach. Ra, Ra, Ra!