
Query: Rusell Crowe

Rusell Crowe is notorious for being a hardcore method actor. He tries to live the personalities of the characters he plays. This is at least part of the reason that he's always in the press for, you know, punching people in the head.

Like anyone who was involved in the punk rock scene when I was a tyke, I was first introduced to Russell Crowe by his role in Romper Stomper, wherein he played a fairly terrifying and convincing white power skinhead. He's played various goons and soldiers and so on over the years, and every few weeks or so he punches someone in the head. Correlation? Quite possibly!

But here's the question: when Russell Crowe plays, say, the lead in an insipid romantic comedy, does he become a softy in real life? Does he go around giving people flowers and watching lifestyle TV? Does he stop punching people in the head? Quite possibly!

In other news, I had fun in Novato with the inlaws and the niece + nephew this weekend. Pictures of a kid in an alligator mask and an experimental prop plane (those are different pictures) to follow.


Trust in Steel said...

Russell Crowe's erratic behavior is probably linked to residual effects from the paranoia he acted out in A Beautiful Mind. Needless to say, I could never buy into him as a mathematical genius.

clumsygirl said...

Also, he's Australian.... just sayin'.