The problem is that we were both raised resolutely (upper-) middle class, so we think that things like yearly vacations and dinners out and so on are "normal," despite knowing that most people on planet earth are still busy barely scratching out a living and/or field-stripping their AK-47s. So here we are, she's a burgeoning artist / academic adminstrator, I'm a would-be historian, and we're just as broke as we've been since early 2004.
Here's the point: I miss punk rock. I miss the music, the clothes, the tats, the flipping your friends off and being afraid of skinheads at shows. I miss favorite bands that barely knew how to play. I miss stacks of LPs and people getting scabies. I miss half racks of PBR and dirty Converse and thrift stores. I miss being drunk six nights a week.
Most of all, I miss the core of the PR ethic: there's no future worth looking forward to, so let's revel in some low-fidelity nihilism and have as much fun as possible before we all get nuked. I miss not caring. To me, that was the real point of the whole subculture; the incoherent politics and the vast range of music that fell under the punk umbrella was secondary to the sincere not-giving-of-a-fuck, ESPECIALLY about things like money and status and ambition.
Not surprisingly, I was a lousy punk at the time (i.e. I went straight to college after high school and drove myself as hard as I could). But I miss feeling like I could give up and have that be ok.