A quandary for the morning: in My Own Private Idaho, how is it that Keanu doesn't ruin the movie? He ruins everything he's in, except for the Bill + Ted movies, but somehow Private Idaho survives unscathed. Is it just because River Phoenix is so good looking that everyone's distracted? Is it just because Flea playing yet another hobo is so funny that everyone's distracted? It's not for me to say for sure.
When Becky and I were visiting the Bunny Haven at the pet store the other day, we were introduced to the Helicopter Lop, so named for its helicopter-spoke-like ears (refer to image, above.) Just when you thought bunnies couldn't take it to the next level, they find a way.
A big bonne chance to my brother in-law Chris's family as they haul two kids, a load of reptiles, and a house full of stuff up to Oregon this week. Balance is restored in the force having half of Becky's part of the family in Oregon and half in California.
Hmm..various topics.
1 comment:
So, I'm a bit slow on the uptake lately. But the comments thing is indeed exciting. Dare we request an RSS feed?
As for the chopper bunny, that's some cute shit right there.
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