Like the guy who played Macguyver (Macguever? Macgeyver?), it's nice to see that weird television personalities from the 80s can get jobs again, eventually. Marc Summers is now the host of the Food Network show Unwrapped, which is a fairly boring expose about how food is made. I think it's kind of the TV equivalent of bands that play the county fair + casino circuit. Sorry, Cheap Trick. Sorry.
On an unrelated note, Becky and I just returned from a fiercly succesful grad student outing to the local Irish pub (which is three blocks from our apartment.) As far as I'm concerned, no one can replace my Oregon cohort. But these guys will do in a pinch.
Here he is again, in his current incarnation, people:

"Hi, I'm Marc Summers. I've got this show on Food Network. I'm a great big stud. Give me some candy!"
I'll have to agree with Mr. Ransom, it sounds like you guys have got yourselves a pretty sweet set up!
Yeah, we pay 1050/month in rent for a tiny 1-bedroom, but besides that it's pretty ok down here. :]
Now if someone would just hire Becky...
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