
Hat Week: Part 1

Each of the next seven blog posts will showcase a hat. Each will be dope. In addition, I will take time to remind you of one reason that you too should sport a hat every day.

Today's hat is one of a pair of trendy army-style baseball hats I bought off of Amazon for six bucks each. They arrived "fatigued," which is to say "designed to look beat-up already." Someone with more shame would balk at sporting a cap like that of a garden-variety 22 year-old hipster, but not me.

Hat reason number one: hats make every outfit more festive. It's a fact of science. If you put a hat on top of a boring outfit, suddenly it's kind of rad. If you put a hat on top of an already-great outfit, it's even better!

1 comment:

the rambler said...

3 cheers for hat week!