

We just returned from the SC library annual huge book sale - books at 1.50/pound. Here's what I gots:
  • Sartre, Huis Clos
  • Gide, La Symphonie Pastorale (I have no idea...it just looks easy to read and short.)
  • Braudel, The Perspective of the World (the Braudel that is supposed to say something besides "cheese is certainly not a luxury.")
  • A four-volume history of philosophy in the 20th century...for 3 bucks.
  • A book about Fifth Republic French presidents.
  • Also, I had some coffee with Tweak, who didn't sleep again.
Today looks promising. I have nothing to do and no intention of going anywhere now that I'm home. Tonight we're going to drink some gin and watch Real Genius, featuring the acting power of (St.) Val Kilmer. Oh, and eat spaghetti. Welcome to the lap of luxury. Take off your pants and stay a while.


Trust in Steel said...

Gin and Real Genius - What more can you ask for?

Rachel said...

a four volume history of philosophy in the twentieth century for four bucks, that's what! (nice steal)

Rachel said...

yeah, oops - should pay more attention to what I'm writing - 3 bucks! Btw, congrats on your job!!