
Je Suis Ici

Okay: I survived and I'm typing up a blog post from my apartment on the Ile St. Louis. This is the smaller of the two islands in the Seine, right next to the Ile de la Cité (the larger one with Notre Dame on it, among other things.) While I hope a lot of my blogs from here are going to be picture-heavy, I'm not quite there yet. I do have a few initial observations:
  • French women love them some heels. From my window I can listen to dozens of them stomping back and forth on the road down below, starting at about 7:00am and going until about 1:00am.
  • The toilet in my apartment makes this scary angry-monster sound when it flushes. "GRAH! I am French toilet monster!"
  • Terminal 5 at Heathrow is like a shopping mall in Dubai.
  • I have internet, I have coffee. I'm like 80% human already.
  • "My French": nonexistent. As soon as I opened my mouth yesterday it just vanished. I listen to people on the street: nothin'. My homie T told me before I left that real language acquisition in an immersion environment just happens on its own and at its own pace, so I'm not worrying...I can read the stuff, so I know it's down there somewhere (i.e. on my last day here I'll be all "zut! Je comprends tout!")
  • It's pleasantly cool in Paris. Just like it was in SC. Score!
Obviously, updates will be more frequent than they have been all summer.

Addendum: So far, I've managed to completely mangle my French in talking to both the shuttle guy and the supermarket lady. I'm on a roll. Also, I realized that internet primetime for me is like 2 in the morning for all of my fellow left coasters back home, so I shouldn't expect anyone to be on IM...


Kelly said...

glad to hear you made it through safe, sound, and sane.

SuperJew said...

Hee hee, Ok so I guess my response to yesterday's post was a bit premature. Now, I'm really glad you've arrived safely! And don't worry, you'll be a french speakin' fool within a few weeks, you gotta give yourself a little time and space to adjust to all the changes. Hang in there friend...go indulge in some jamon y fromage!

Chrissy said...

Eeep! Glad you are there safe and sound and I cant wait to see pictures!
Good to know that the French ladies love themselves some heels. Someday, when I visit Paris on a very romantical vacation, I will remember to work on my balance in heels prior to my arrival. You cant just strap those things on and take off, it takes skill.

Adva Ahava said...

As long as there are coffee and internet, all will be well, despite mangling various French verbs.

noncoupable said...

Tres bien! Je suis si content que tu es arrive, et plus content que tu as deja commence a parler le francais, meme si c'est vraiment pourri. Apres quelques semaines je suis absolument certaine que tu entendras mieux; avec parler c'est vachement difficile si c'est pas une language maternelle, ca c'est sur, donc n'inquiete pas quand tu penses "well, my french isn't getting better but my english is definitely getting worse" -- pour moi c'etait toujours comme ca avec le chinois... (mais quand tu retournes aux Etats Unis c'est etonnant, "holy crap! I understand and can speak French!")

Courage mon pote :)

noncoupable said...

err.. langue, oui c'est ca. ;)

Dolce Vita said...

Wonderful! I can't wait for the photos and accounts of Paris. While he is not one of my favorite historical figures, T. Jefferson is occasionally quotable. One that I like: "everyone is a citizen of two nations. Her own and France." (and you can just hear TJ say 'her,' can't you?) Not only this, but the Ile St-Louis is one of the most quaint little corners of Paris (I saw the tiniest homes there).

Anyway, de mon part, j'ai trouve que j'aie parle tant mieux apres un (ou plus) verres de vin. (Il faut se detendre; tu es a Paris!)

kungfuramone said...

Mais oui...j'ai fini ma biere hier soir, donc je doix acheter quelque boteilles de vin aujourd'hui. C'est absolumente necessaire!

Thanks for all of the kind wishes from everyone. So far, I have been pleasantly surprised by the fact that the sky hasn't fallen. Here's hoping it stays that way. :]