
Things What I Like, Day 1: Media

Last night B and I had one of our patented "non-date nights," in which we pretend we're not having a date.* Over the course of the evening, we enjoyed some excellent media. And I'm here to recommend the following.
  1. First and foremost, it is very important that you Netflix or purchase the entire first season of Flight of the Conchords, if you haven't already. Once you watched all of the episodes, you're ready to move on to the TV special in which they go to South by Southwest and make literally half-dozens of fans. My favorite part of the TV special is when they meet the lady that has a picture of Gemaine's lips in her wallet at all times.**
  2. It is also good to remember that the best thing for watching fifty-two thousands times without it getting old is the Muppet Christmas Special. Oh how little you understand bears, Kermit.
  3. The latest Wes Anderson movie, Darjeeling Limited, is really good. You will enjoy it if you enjoy Wes Anderson movies. If you don't, you will completely hate it.
  4. You get the impression that Viggo Mortensen really enjoyed playing a Russian mob guy in Eastern Promises. I'm still not sure about the whole movie, but the Russian prison tattoo stuff is fun.
This morning I made a bunch of rather impressive pieces of French toast. After this, I'm off to grade a huge stack of rather unimpressive undergraduate essays.

Tomorrow: more things I like.

* This is to evade a curse in which something goes wrong, like B gets a tummy ache or something, if we call it a date night.
** My favorite lyric: she's so hot it's making me sexist.


Cabiria said...

The Muppet Christmas Special is indeed one of the finer works of art of our century. And so wonderfully anti-capitalist!

Adva Ahava said...

I loved Darjeeling Limited!