Based on two specific experiences yesterday, I wanted to pipe up with two related suggestions. One is local to the Santa to the Cruz, the other is universal:
- If you're going out to drink in SC, it makes absolutely no difference in cost whether you go to a dive (the Rush Inn, the Watering Hole) or a nicer bar (99 Bottles, Poet + Patriot.) Thus, I suggest you go to a nicer bar. And, following that, the only way you can even come close to drinking on a budget is to get those big-ass cans of Foster's. And, subsequently, the only kind of Foster's that actually tastes like beer is Foster's Bitter (the green can.) In conclusion, if you go out drinking in SC, go to the Poet + Patriot and drink Foster's Bitter. That is all.
- Never, ever watch Transformers. It falls right into that horrible spot between "just bad" and "so bad it's funny" - it's so bad it isn't at all funny. It's also a two-hour commercial for the American military (look! Big men doing things efficiently! Don't you want to sign up right out of high school, average American male? Of course you do!) If you're in need of a movie that's so awful it's completely uproariously hilarious, may I direct you to Transformers' contemporary Ghost Rider.