
Il Fait Chaude

(It's hot.)

I typed that in to google image search and I got the picture of something that is, indeed, totally fucking chaude. I bring this up because today was miserably hot here on the Cali central coast. Thick air, you know? When you can feel it hit you as you're walking and you're all "wait! That's freaking AIR! How can it impede my progress?!" Tomorrow we're going on a hike with a pack of the beautiful people, so I'm dressing for the occasion: ratty PBR hat to keep my baldness from being sunburned and shorts, BIG-TIME.

Today, some grad students beat the shit out of some undergrads at softball. Well done, guys...way to represent! I was there in spirit.

Our TV just died. I'm not kidding. It's a 300 dollar Sony we got for our wedding and now it's been renamed "Mr. Warbly-Jiggledy" and it's good for nothing more than inducing headaches. Will it magically regenerate? I kind of doubt it; it's like a troll hit with a +3 flaming broadsword.

Have you noticed that my blog posts oscillate wildly (or, if you prefer, widely) between novellas about theory or life or combinations thereof and these wine-induced ramblings? Next time: novella. You've been warned.

The next time you play 20 questions, consider playing for animals. May I suggest: muselids. The family including the weasel, the wolverine, the pine marten, and the badger. No one ever expects a muselid.

+3 Broadsword,

1 comment:

clumsygirl said...

Stupid sun, with the warming. I just got my annual sneak-attack sunburn this weekend. I thought I would just pull a few weeds. It wasn't that warm outside... everything will be fine, right?

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I forget (every year) that I can actually get burned within 7 minutes of initial exposure (It's been proven scientifically.), if I'm not wearing sunscreen.
