Since lightning in erupting volcanoes is about the most heavy metal thing, ever, I made a quick mock-up of what it must have looked like when Lemmy Kilmeister originally emerged from an erupting lightning volcano back in 666 BC:*

(The picture is actually of Lemmy a few moments later, as he descends into the jungle to stalk warm, living prey.)
* For the horrendously ignorant, Lemmy is the lead singer and bassist for Motorhead, still the best metal band in the world after over 30 years of touring and about three tons of hard drugs consumed to date.
aHAHAHAHA! Thank you for reminding me once again how much I LOVE reading your blog. :D (Helps when I'm sitting inside on a lovely Saturday afternoon working on QE statements...)
That was a great post, brother. Good work with the picture. Rock. On.
See, even our friends to the east appreciate lightning volcano Lemmy.
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