
I Am The Boringist!

Good GOD. I cannot think of a single thing to write about anymore. Looking back at when I started using blogger, I was wailing out posts by the day! And some of them were vaguely interesting!

So here's a list. It's all I've got.
  • I found this outstanding spoken French podcast site. The podcasts are available for free on iTunes. They're made by a friendly gang of Irish French instructors and their native-speaker henchmen. They manage to hit a great balance between clear explanations (usually in English, sometimes in French) and grammar review without dumbing down the language. People wanting to absorb a bunch of spoken French are directed hither.
  • I'm going to see mothergrabbin' Batman tonight with homies L and K. From all the media reports, it sounds like Heath Ledger did a great time killing himself just as he was about to become a really important actor.
  • I've only got a few more weeks here in the states. I've decided the sensible approach is to just assume that I have to get on the plane tomorrow, and then find it surprising when I wake up and I don't have to. We're heading up to B's folks' place this weekend for a going-away dinner for me, courtesy of her dad. On the menu: Thanksgiving. Hell yes.
  • I'm finishing up editing my MA paper from last year to submit to a impossibly prestigious journal. As one of my cadre of enlightened old men reminded me when last we spoke about submitting articles, the worst they can do is say no....
  • Summer's halfway finished! Ha ha!
  • I have had a sty in my eye since last December. I am finally going in to see an ophthalmologist* on Friday. With any luck, he will simply take a very sharp knife and cut the damn thing open and be done with it. If you ever have a sty and some idiot in a clinic tells you to "apply hot compresses" to it, tell them they're full of shit and ask for a referral.
Maybe something interesting will happen in the next few days. I'll keep you posted.

* Try to spell this correctly on your first try. If you succeed, you're probably qualified to run things for the UN.


Chrissy said...

1. You are not boring.
2. Constant interesting blog posts never happen to anyone. Ever.
C. I even like your boring posts.

The end.

Alexis said...

I agree. with above.