
It's Not Not Complicated

The RA position was already filled for the Paris program, so I officially have to find housing in Paris the old-fashioned way, the way American students have done since the days of the Third Republic: asking around and using craigslist. Updates on that when I have something worth updating about.

I just sent off my QE dossier to my committee. Technically, I'm sending it five days early, but I always try to apply the same stance to graduate student assignments that my friends and I used to apply to parties: first to show, last to go.*

It's hard for me, studying world history, trying to keep up with global political economic hoo-ha, and being overwhelmed by how bloody difficult it is to get a PHD, not to conclude that we are all completely doomed. There's just a lot of evidence that we are, and doomed not in the sense of an apocalyptic conflagration, but of seeing our standards of living fall markedly in our short-ass lifetimes. So when anything does work out, I'm always shocked...getting the Paris program is one, and if I can actually find housing that doesn't break the bank, that would be astounding, and if I go there and actually get work done, that would be amazing, and if I end up surviving it all and writing a dissertation, well...pigs will fly, republicans will apologize for being wrong about EVERYTHING, and someone will finally figure out how to get cold fusion to work.

I have new blog post ideas! I will post those at some point!

* Granted, in this case, I definitely don't want to be "last to go." In fact, if I was "first to go" from my program for my incoming class, that would be rad.


Chrissy said...

We ARE totally doomed (see my latest post) and what is driving me nuts is the look people give me when I try to tell them.

Ignorance was bliss...

Dolce Vita said...

"First to go" would be fabulous. (I think I might have been the only one in my "cohort.") Do I see a betting pool emerging?

Dolce Vita said...

Oh, by the way, bon courage. As people who have lived so long in graduate school, we have developed more sophisticated mechanisms for coping with imminent economic collapse (provided we can find work, any work will do). It is the more highly evolved consumption-dependent organism that concern me. My little corner of the world is in for major turmoil.

noncoupable said...

Don't worry about housing so much. They have systems in France that favor students, of all ages, eg http://www.location-etudiant.fr/

etc. just google search on logement etudiant

Also there's one I know I'm forgetting... I will send it over when I remember the site name. In Toulouse there is a special office set up downtown just for students to find housing, so I would imagine the same exists for Paris in multiple locations.

Also, I doubt you would want a homestay but just in case the phrase is logement chez l'habitant. Roommate is colocataire.