This is a picture of Peaches. Her new album, Impeach My Bush, is pretty serious shit. I recommend it.
One of the things B and I talk about on the long list of things we hate is how cut off we are from the subcultures we used to be part of. The solidarities of shared tastes in music and lifestyle are nice when you have them and just terrible when you don't; if you're still invested in the outlook and the sound that got you into it in the first place, it's isolating not having it around.
What I'm saying is: I miss the rock. The hearing damage, the alcohol, the one-in-five bands that make it worth it to sit through the other four, not being the token tattooed guy in the seminar room, I miss these things.
I like to think that one of the things that will change when we get on to the next phase (T-Minus 1.5 years? Maybe?) is that we'll be able to get back into it. I'm fine with being the 30-something sitting at the bar listening to the band and being conspicuously old.
What I'm saying is: I miss the rock. The hearing damage, the alcohol, the one-in-five bands that make it worth it to sit through the other four, not being the token tattooed guy in the seminar room, I miss these things.
I like to think that one of the things that will change when we get on to the next phase (T-Minus 1.5 years? Maybe?) is that we'll be able to get back into it. I'm fine with being the 30-something sitting at the bar listening to the band and being conspicuously old.