
Dear Red States: Run Along.

Feel free to secede anytime you want to.  The rest of us won't miss you.


Kelly said...

Cheers to that.

Kelly said...

Wait, hold that thought until I get out of this red state... or can blue districts in red states still stay in the nation? I don't want to have to reapply for citizenship in civilized society because we had to move here for work (and plan on leaving as soon as we can...). Maybe there can be an amnesty for peeps like me?

Ransom said...

I'm wondering whether the non-viability of a republican party with the tea party attached will result in a third party. Which in turn might allow enough breathing room for the left to go further left (even if it has to branch). Maybe we could eventually get to where there are several parties, and people actually have to cooperate to get anything done. (Yeah, I know, all the desperation and reality of a fever dream)

I hate that red/blue at this point is a litmus test for whether you can stand to be in the same room with someone, and I'm as bad as anyone about gaping in slack-jawed horror at some aspects of what the red states had voted for...

Cody Austin Rich said...

To play the peacemaker card: while I agree entirely that their perspectives are wrong, there is an interesting book that was recently published [You're Not as Crazy as I Thought (But You're Still Wrong)] that was written by two political pundits with extremely oppositional viewpoints who make the argument that American Culture has reached a point where political parties now see each other as "groups of people to be hated," and thus it is hard to actually enter into discourse without resorting to name-calling. The most recent episode of "This American Life" breaks it down quite well: American Politics is no longer about issues, ideas, and the ability to debate them, but is about hatred, name-calling, thug tactics, and being "racist" against the other party.

Food for thought, anyway. I still think they are wrong, and I would rather have a number of parties to reflect the actual diversity of political thought in our country. But I'll settle for sane conversation about ideas and issues, if that happens to be possible.

(The Book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1612344615/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1612344615&linkCode=as2&tag=thiamelif-20)