I stole this shot off of B's flickr site. There are lots of other cute pics there, too.
In a few days, an old, dear friend is getting married in PDX. Tomorrow morning I'm getting the rental car, we pile in the junk, and then we're off.* We've got about 600 miles to do tomorrow, from here to Eugene, then we're on to Portland the next day.
Crap like this drives me into a fit of seething anxiety. I worry about all the little things that could go wrong, like me being too inept to figure out how to transfer our baby seat to the rental in a timely fashion. We're also, predictably, concerned with how Plan C takes the drive. She likes being in the car, but that's a lot of being in the car. Add in rest-stop breast-feedings and you've got yourself a DAY OF ADVENTURE.
That all said, I am very excited to see lots of my P-town friends in just a few days.
* We're doing the rental to avoid putting more miles on the trusty Geo (A.) and because we need reliable A/C for the drive (B.)
Crap like this drives me into a fit of seething anxiety. I worry about all the little things that could go wrong, like me being too inept to figure out how to transfer our baby seat to the rental in a timely fashion. We're also, predictably, concerned with how Plan C takes the drive. She likes being in the car, but that's a lot of being in the car. Add in rest-stop breast-feedings and you've got yourself a DAY OF ADVENTURE.
That all said, I am very excited to see lots of my P-town friends in just a few days.
* We're doing the rental to avoid putting more miles on the trusty Geo (A.) and because we need reliable A/C for the drive (B.)
Can't wait to see you guys again! Good luck!
mber 1251D
Job Type Faculty Position
Job Area History
Job Notes
Late Modern Europe: The Department of History at the University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for a full-time appointment at either the tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor level in modern European history, excluding Britain, East Europe, and Russia with a start date of July 1, 2011. Applications must include a detailed letter, a curriculum vitae, a representative sample of written work (an article, book chapter, or dissertation chapter), and three letters of reference. All items must be submitted electronically no later than October 1, 2010. For instructions about submitting materials, please visit http://ls-ourunit.berkeley.edu:80/sReg.php?i=424. For the university's statement on confidentiality, see http://apo.chance.berkeley.edu/evalltr.html . Questions may be addressed to Mary Elizabeth Berry, Chair, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-2550. The department seeks candidates whose research and teaching has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and inclusion in higher education.
She gets cuter and cuter.
And kudos to B whose massive calorie transfer has made C so big (and perfectly baby-round).
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