Everyone who has ever earned a graduate degree at the University of Oregon, worked for a certain prominent computer security corporation, listened to country music without irony, cherished cowboy boots, fought through horrible migraines and somehow remained cheerful and sane, drank their fair share of boozahol, watched Deadwood a lot, read their way through a lot of 19th century Victorian fiction, or shaken their ass at 80s night ought to stop by the blog of E, AKA Bug, AKA
Another Kind of Nerd, and wish her a happy birthday. That is all.
P.S. I'd say the same thing about
Ransom's birthday yesterday, but for the fact that he never updates his blog. Oooh, snap!
Yeah, it's a bad scene. I've actually forgotten my login. I've been wanting to post recently, but apparently not quite bad enough to fish the drive out of my dead thinkpad and look up how to do so...
Nice work, yo! Happy Birthday Big B or E, depending on what you call her:)
I have always wanted to tell you that a "hipster" has nothing to do with "Postpunk." The accused, Late 80s DRI, Xcel, that is post punk. Goofy know it all white geeks with too much support from parents: Hipsters.
Wait...whozitwiththewhatnow? When was the last time I talked about postpunk OR hipsters?
ANYWAY, when I DID talk about either of the above, I meant postpunk in the sense of people who were once into (ahem) the punk scene and then were forced to grow out of it because they got old and tired (read: me).
And besides. We cannot be Carl Linnaeus when it comes to the taxonomy of the petri dish of 21st century American culture. The shit is fluid.
(And you're telling me that all hipsters are white, by definition?)
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