
Another Grande Jour in Paradise

The picture is of me in my Parisian disguise: bic-ed (pronounced "bick - ed") head, new 9-euro shades from some crappy souvenir shop next to Notre Dame, and "I am obviously going about my business" attitude to SPARE.

Here's how the day goes down for me:
  1. Oh, god, I'm awake again.
  2. Cheerios (yay!) and coffee (more yay!)
  3. Clean, shower, decide on destination.
  4. Hike somewhere. Hike or take the metro back.
  5. Read Gorz, take notes.
  6. Mid-afternoon malaise. Take another hike? Half-heartedly do crunches and push-ups? Too early to start drinking...crap.
  7. Whew. Made it to evening. Open bottle of cheap-ass wine. What's for dinner? Ha ha! Just kidding. It's pasta.
  8. Webcam chat with B! Or, sometimes, just IM or e-mail.
  9. Watch stuff. Thank goodness for TV on the internet and funny French movies my landlord left in the apartment.
  10. Ugh. Time to try to fall asleep for a few hours.
Rinse, lather, repeat, bitches!


noncoupable said...

Doesn't sound half bad... seriously. Paris is a good place to stroll around.

TV news -- streaming online for free with headlines you can read: google le journal France 2 (20h)
- les guignols

You get anywhere out of town yet? http://www.voyages-sncf.com (internet prices like 15 euros one way to Dijon or 19 to Lyon) if you have a flexible schedule you can get those prices

noncoupable said...

Dude, la suisse for 15 euros, wish I had been there for that http://www.voyages-sncf.com/daily/

Dolce Vita said...

I agree with noncoupable. You can find some cheap places to stay in or near destinations. I know that this is painfully expensive and you're watching every centime, but how many years did it take for you to get here? When do you plan to come back? Is there zero wiggle room?