
Life, C'est Stupide

Here's a clip from a movie my landlord left here that neatly summarizes the abstraction of me living in Paris, alone, for four months:

The best part is when Dr. Mustache throws the casual F-bomb into the midst of the Lionel-Richie style jam.

Side note: I appear to have spontaneously lost hearing in my right ear. I'm not sure how that happened.

Things are not so great. Back home, really bad news on the family front. Worldwide, the usual carnage and desperation. I think the reason all of us tinhorn existential atheists have a soft spot for Buddhism is that it's the only religion with the balls to start from the premise that life is suffering and not try to invent panaceas or excuses that argue that, instead, some benevolent force inures that's everything's really alright, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

It's not alright.



Chrissy said...

Hey buddy. Hope things get better for ya. Im thinkin good thoughts for you and B.

Take care.


Rachel said...

nope, it's not. platitudes = meaningless, but sending positive thoughts in your direction. :)

noncoupable said...

Hang in there. I know what it's like. There are good days, bad days, and really f***ing awful days (esp when you hear stuff from back at home). The initial month or two are especially terrible... But you'll make it through it all and come out stronger for it in the end.


noncoupable said...


noncoupable said...


Sorry for the chop-offs in the original.

Adva Ahava said...

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue. Sending good thoughts in your direction...

*hugs* *also, alcohol* (because you taught me well)

Cabiria said...

Good thoughts going your way from this neck of the woods as well. Some things are definitely Not. O.K.

Elizabeth M. said...

Big high five on your take on Buddhism. Life is suffering and there is a big possibility...all the time...for joy. Not thanks to benevolent psycho-daddy who also destroys things but loves you just the same. I've never found the latter very comforting at all for all sorts of reasons.