
Leave It To Deutschland

From the same people that brought you schadenfreude: liebestod! Love-death! The desire to annihilate consciousness in the sweet blackness of eternal nonexistence! (Can you tell I'm still trying to write a MA paper, teach, do two reading seminars, and read for my QEs all at the same time?!)

Another idea:
  • Existentialism was the thesis, a naive humanism that inspired political action.
  • Structuralism was the antithesis, a complex but ultimately stultifying philosophy of inaction.
  • Poststructuralism was the synthesis, but its implications for actual praxis are totally unclear.

Or maybe I'll just do that intellectual biography of Andre Gorz idea.

I'm going to throw a book at the wall and play video games for a while.


This is the best song in the world:


FOSCO said...

And don't forget "lustmord." (That's "lust murder" for anyone playing at home).

Chrissy said...

liebestod, eh? Sounds like a title for an emo album just waiting to happen!

Ransom said...

Only Iggy Pop could do that thing that he just did. Wow.

kungfuramone said...

Yeah, he done did that thing, didn't he. :]