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All I Got Is Another List
- Dang dang DANG it but my upper lip is chapped and the skin on my face is dry! MY but that maternity center had some dry air up in it!
- This may be news to lactation consultants, but it's counter-productive to harass new parents by phone about their baby's eating habits. It just stresses them the fuck out.
- Our friends are wonderful people. We have ever so much amazing food in our fridge right now.
- Oh yeah, I turned in my dissertation. I forgot one of the many forms, but my homie K is going to bring it up to campus for me tomorrow.
- Still no future prospects. But at least my summer classes are chock full o' undergrads! That's money in the BANK!
- On that note, it's tricky to know if I should be looking for actual history prof jobs still or switch gears and get my resume and what-have-you together for the very-likely triumphant return to PDX.
- My baby is so cute. She looks a lot like B. Those two statements taken together are a tautology.
- I'm making a baby-friendly mix of tunes for my iPod. I like to sing Magnetic Fields songs to her.
- Latest nickname for Plan C: Squirm-Bot.
P.S. This one's for the
rioting morons of SC:
Look for jobs. And don't just look for jobs on the Chron of Higher Ed and H-Net, go to the universities and college pages. The more I look at jobs (small liberal arts colleges to large universities) the more open positions I find. U of Hawaii has a tenure track position in US history that's been open since September! The small liberal arts college I am looking at rarely seem to post their jobs on the big websites, and community colleges do the same.
Good luck with the jobs. Singing Magnetic Fields songs to your kiddo is so freakin' sweet and adorable.
congrats on your baby!! Sorry to hear B's having trouble with the feeding, I've heard the first couple weeks is usually pretty rough, but most either give up or it evens out around then. :) so happy for you!!
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