

Following some very serious e-mailing betwixt me and my homie A the other day, here are some trifling matters on which I ponder:
  1. White shoes! What about one pair of stylin', like, Asics for France? Would I earn the respect of the average Parisian? Would he or she be more forgiving of my mangled French? It's possible.
  2. Who taught California drivers that tailgating is cool? It's not. It's uncool.
  3. Will people still break dance in 200 years, and if so, will it be part of break dance reenactment societies, like civil war reenactments only with block-rockin' BEATS? Or, is it instead likely that break dancing is so rad that it will simply stand the test of time, like Mozart? I hope so.
  4. Could I pull off a hat like this? Perhaps, but perhaps not...
  5. A point of confusion about hair metal. The Whitesnake song "Here I Go Again" is both the best and the lamest of all songs, simultaneously. The chorus is infectious and the incredible pomposity and asinine antics of the video somehow only cement its permanent place in the history of human civilization.
  6. I get it with wines that cost up to about 12 dollars. From there on up, I don't get it.
  7. Can you fucking believe I passed my Italian exam?!
  8. I'm sorry that I'm missing out on sader at K's this weekend, but I'm super-stoked that B and I are getting to have one of our 24-hour "fake vacations" at her parents' place while they're in Hawaii. Hot tubs and cheap vino, here we come! Also, big TV with Bravo!


clumsygirl said...

My squirrelly-squirrels, they still talk about and attempt to do the break dancing. I think you're in a good place for break dancing to continue into the future. Mozart, look out.

Luke said...

we'll raise one of the mandatory 4 glasses to you two and the hot tub.

Dolce Vita said...

Hands-down - absolutely. You can pull off that hat here, and in France. (Paris is cold; it is sunny and anything goes.)

Kungfukitten said...

I think you could totally pull off a Trilby. Although, I'm not sure about the cordouroy part.

ninjahq said...

I like the hat! Do it! Also watch all the bravo in the world!!

(I've watched 4-5 hrs of Project Runway today..)

hardcori said...

yes, you could totally rock that hat.

the rambler said...

Yay! A very successful spring term for you! Congrats on the Italian exam and enjoy the vino & hot tub.

Cabiria said...

Bring on the hat. With the Asics. In the Paris.

SuperJew said...

Buy the hat! It's totally you!!!