My homie
K just sent me the following from
Are You A Real Man? 25 Skills You Should Know:
(listed here with my self-assesment)
1. Patch a radiator hose
No way. Unless you gave me a very simple radiator hose patch-machine.
2. Protect your computer
Easily, whether from viruses, spyware, or people trying to steal it. Assuming I'm armed.
3. Rescue a boater who as capsized
I can barely dog-paddle. I would frantically shout for help, though.
4. Frame a wall
No. I can, however, help pick out tasteful spots to frame pictures
on a wall.
5. Retouch digital photos
Easily. And I can also add stupid, low-quality Photoshop effects.
6. Back up a trailer
Probably. I can drive a Uhaul with the best of them.
7. Build a campfire
Oh, totally. And I can pitch a tent (Stewart.)
8. Fix a dead outlet
Not without killing myself in the process.
9. Navigate with a map and compass
Absolutely. After I got lost in the Desolation National Wilderness Area when I was fourteen, this became an important skill to pick up (I'm not kidding.)
10. Use a torque wrench
I don't even know what that is. I don't know; I could probably figure it out.
11. Sharpen a knife
Badly, but sure.
12. Perform CPR
Nope. As in the capsizing boat scenario, I would frantically jump about.
13. Fillet a fish
Ha ha! It would just look like I attacked it with a hatchet.
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid
It's possible. But I doubt it.
15. Get a car unstuck
16. Back up data
Uh, yeah.
17. Paint a room
How can you not be able to paint a room?
18. Mix concrete
WTF? I mean, sure, I assume you just pour the dry part into a bunch of water and stir it.
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle
Nope. I'd probably shoot myself in the process.
20. Change oil and filter
And deprive oil-change guys of their living? I think not!
21. Hook up a HDTV
Sure. If it has wires and electronics, I can probably do it.
22. Bleed brakes
23. Paddle a canoe
Unless I was bound in duct tape, yes, I can paddle a canoe.
24. Fix a bike flat
Sadly, no. I'm not proud of that fact.
25. Extend your wireless network
9 definitely + 3 or 4 probably/possibly. That makes me a bit less than 50% of a man, by my math.
I note, however, a complete lack of sex questions. I would like to think that if there had been a couple of those on the list I would have done considerably better. They should also have something about how much you can bench relative to your weight.
K herself scored a solid 12 out of 25, easily trumping me in manliness.