
Gee, Thanks Random Internet Test!


Elizabeth M. said...

I knew it! I knew you were a nun at heart!

another kind of nerd said...

If you're Mother Theresa then I'm Gandhi. Seriously, I'm Gandhi. Oh, if I were a move, I'd be "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."


Cabiria said...

You clearly have a Macedonian quality. I can see you speaking Albanian and condemning women who have abortions to hell. Or maybe not. I'm apparently Einstein, but I think that's just because he was a big old procrastinator too.

kungfuramone said...

If anyone's interested, the same website informed me that, as a classic movie, I am Schindler's List.

H said...

I don't know if I should let this out of the bag, but what the hell: I came up as Hitler. I'm kind of upset by that. CT

Rachel said...

came up as Einstein too. I dunno why. but geez... macedonian dwarf? what an appellation.